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What’s next?

Couple of days more than a month has passed since the IRONMAN Mallorca. I took almost three weeks off of trainings and concentrated on recovery and analysis. There have been lot of development during this year, I will definitely write about this when we are closer to the end of the year.
I have slowly started to introduce my body to trainings again, mostly short runs and longer walks. I also invested into training quality – I bought a nice interactive trainer to use during those cold and dark winter months. Currently I’m evaluating Zwift, let’s see if this software will be my training partner for the coming months. It would be fun to organise also some local group rides here in Estonia. 🙂

During the October I took time to look for and set the new challenges for myself for the coming year. After Mallorca the emotions were good that there was no questions if I should do another IM next year, only problem was to decide where. One of the restrictions was that it should not be close to 16th of July, since I will be conquering the Alps with thousands of other riders during L’Étape du Tour.

One of the challenges for the next season! #cycling #letapedutour #sports #whatsnext #challengeyourlimits

A photo posted by Rando Kall (@randokall) on

That set, the most obvious choice was then either Kalmar or Copenhagen. After a little poll in the Facebook, decision was made and I signed up for the KMD IRONMAN Copenhagen!

I’m really looking forward to tackle all those new challenges that await me, we are never too old to change, to learn and to try something new!

“When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.” – Benjamin Franklin

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