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Time to look back

End of the year is “not-so-far-away”. Let’s have a quick recap what happened. Start the music and read on.

For me personally the 2016 has been a year of challenges, progress and understanding.

The biggest challenge of the year was of course the road to become an IRONMAN. Yes, this is not a mistake – the road was more challenging than the actual competition. Time management, finding the motivation and consistency, self-doubt and hard work. I kept the promise I gave myself – I need to be in the condition where I can complete the full IRONMAN with good emotions. And good they were, next year, another IRONMAN. But about this bit later.

There are lot of things I did first time in life, started to do again or eradicated from my life completely. I feel like I’ve made a huge step forward in self-development. I’ve learned to take responsibility for my actions. I know who are the important people in my life and I’m sure that they all know that. The list of things that actually have a value and true meaning has decreased. I’ve learned to listen and actually talk to my body (no, I’m not crazy 🙂 ) and it works!

If someone wants to know more about my experiences with this, I’d be happy to discuss this one-on-one.

Writing this part makes me really emotional. I’ve not yet managed to completely organise all these thoughts, but I feel that I have to write them down anyway. I’ve postponed this already for months now.
I’ve no idea, what triggered this. Perhaps my long trainings in solitude, loss of my father, changes in life(style), books I reread. I don’t know and actually its not that important. Important is, that I’ve managed to make peace with myself in most of the aspects, formulate the small principles I live by.
Quotes like “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” by Marcus Aurelius and “All the gods, all the heavens, all the hells, are within you.” by Joseph Campbell seem Clichés or “cheesy” to some. For me they just work. I understand. I live in the current moment, embrace the life, people and things around me, because they (or I) might not be here the next second. And this doesn’t mean that I’ve given up dreaming, no! Of course I have dreams. And not just small ones, I have huge dreams. I just do not allow them to control my life.

I know now that not one thing, situation or a person can make me happy or unhappy. This is my choice, it is all in my head.

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” — Confucius

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