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First two months of 2017 have passed quite fast, I didn’t even notice that I haven’t updated my blog. Time to fix that mistake, there are quite a few things I want to write about.

So, how am I doing compared to 2016? First of all, this year I have a proper ATP (annual training plan) that my coach prepared. The focus at the moment is on building a solid foundation for the season and the overall focus is on better quality of workouts. Each session must have a purpose and meaning!

Here is a short table with the current season numbers compared to the whole last season:

Whole last season (01.11.15 – 31.10.16) This season so far (31.10.16 – 10.02.17) Comparison
Sessions 46 47 102%
Hours 38 17 45%
Distance (km) 370 140 38%
Sessions 91 63 69%
Hours 172 82 48%
Distance (km) 4770 2820 59%

As you can see, the volume has obviously increased, will be interesting to see the same comparison at the end of the season 🙂

I have also visited the doctors to do the annual performance test and to see what they had to say about the increased load and volume. The test went good, again I was with my own bike and they allowed me to pedal with my own cadence (85rpm) instead of the “traditional” 60 rpm. Besides of one minor issue, progress has been noticeable and doctor said that I should be pleased with the results. Some numbers: HR zones didn’t change much, HR max has increased (181 -> 185), PWC170 (3,1W/kg -> 3,5W/kg), VO2Max (44,5 -> 51,3). Aerobic threshold power has also increased.  Because of that minor issue the doctor scheduled another test just before the training camp to see if there are some changes or not.

Since the season will be quite long and includes several international events, I had to put on the paper the budget for the season. My wife told me not to show her this so I will not post it here also 🙂

But I have to definitely say thanks to my supporters who help me on my journey – Jooksuekspert for the perfect running shoes,  OTE Sports for the best sports nutrition products and Moomoo for the high quality cycling apparel! Thank You!

And if you feel that you can/want to help me to achieve my dreams, you are more than welcome to drop me a line, contacts are at the top of the page. 😉

One update on self-development – with my friends and mentors from TriSmile triathlon club we started a coaching business. Something that each of us has done behind the scenes for some time but now we have also a nice front – TriSmile Coaching.

That is also a reason why I decided to take the IRONMAN Coaching Certification Program. We’ll see how that goes, first parts of the course are quite difficult and I have to take a lot of notes 🙂

Last but not least, the support of the family is something that I’m really grateful of.

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